Full College Mass and Retreats 2024

Last week the school community joined together for a full college Mass celebrated by our College Chaplain, Fr Glenford Lowe. The focus of the Mass was on the Glory of God using the readings from Transfiguration Sunday during Lent this year. Jesus revealing his identity to the gathered Disciples, providing them with a glimpse of who he really is, giving us a powerful image. The image challenges us to reflect and ponder that we too know who Jesus really is, so how can we respond? Can we become the face of Christ? Can we become the greater glory of God?

This challenge to us is of particular significance during Lent, when we are called to consider our actions and the impact we have on our own communities and the wider world. How can we take time to consider where and when we become the greater glory of God, in taking time to pray and take action for others.

In this spirit, during Mass we commissioned our Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist for 2024. We look forward to their service at school Masses. May they become the greater Glory of God for others through their example of service and the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament.

Also, over the last few weeks our Year 9, 12 and 13 annual retreats have taken place at Sacred Heart Parish in Ponsonby. The retreats this year are being run by the National Evangelisation Team, which has provided ākonga with a genuine encounter with Christ, spiritual experience and reflection, leading to some wonderful formation. Feedback from the students to the college has been very positive and we hope that they have shared their experiences, showing their greater glory of God with you at home. 

In the Spirit of St. Marcellin Champagnat.

Ki te wairua o whānaungatanga,
Kirstie Wearmouth

College Mass March Fr
Yr 12 Retreat 2
Yr 13 Retreat 1
Yr 12 Retreat
Yr 12 Retreat Main
Yr 9 Retreat